Sunday, October 30, 2011

Has Freedom of Speech Gone Too Far in the U.S.?

Moms think marijuana candy has crossed the line.
If you are an American, you live in one of the best countries in the world ... a country characterized by personal freedoms that extend beyond those offered in just about any other place you could call home.

But, there are times those liberties extend a bit further than some people desire. Take the Freedom of Speech guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution, for example. While we raise our children espousing the virtues of freedom of speech in our nation's classrooms, are there times when people push the line on these liberties?

Recently, candy shaped like marijuana has been showing up on store shelves across the country. These candies are marketed under names like, "The Pothead Ring Pots," "Pothead Lollipops" and "Pothead Sour Gummy Candy."  A group of Buffalo, NY moms believe that the manufacturer has crossed the line and are questioning whether retailers should be allowed to sell candy shaped like marijuana to children. They allege that illegal substances should not be positioned as something fun for children to eat.

According to Fox News, parents contend that while the candy does not contain anything illegal, "its marijuana leaf, the word "legalize" and a joint-smoking, peace sign-waving user on the packaging is not only in poor taste but an invitation to try the real thing."

This debate conjured up images of the candy cigarettes I had as a child. On the few occasions that we were able to talk mom into buying us a pack, I must admit that I felt pretty grown-up smoking my fake cigarettes. Of course, that was at a time when the dangers of cigarette smoking were only just being exposed; so, one could argue that they were perceived as fairly harmless.
Candy cigarettes
Remember the old Joe Camel cigarette ads? If you're in your 20s or younger, probably not, since the Federal Trade Commission determined in 1997 that the image of Joe Camel was designed to appeal to children under the age of 18 and, thus, violated federal law. Now, the only place you'll rub shoulders with Joe is in antique stores or museums.
Joe Camel ads banned in 1997 by FTC
Or what about this: do you think it's acceptable that pro-rights protesters demonstrate with graphic images of late-term, illegally aborted babies at family fundraising events? Whether you are pro-rights or pro-choice is not the issue here ... should young children be exposed to these images? And, from a marketing standpoint, why would you advertise at an event filled with families who obviously chose to bring their babies into the world rather than abort them?
Pro-Life protestors show graphic images of late term abortions.
All of these examples are only made possible because of the innate rights of Americans to exercise Freedom of Speech ... a very special freedom that makes America the Land of Opportunity for millions of new immigrants each year.

What do you think? Do these examples fall comfortably within our Constitutional rights as Americans? Or have they crossed some invisible line that demonstrates we have gone too far as a country? Just how far is too far?

I'd love to hear your opinions.

The Gerber Generation ... Flip Book Style

When you think of iconic brands in America that stretch back over the decades, Gerber is one that will inevitably be mentioned. Sometimes, you'll even hear Gerber's name surface in pop culture, as in: "He's so cute - he could be a Gerber baby!" -or- "Look at those cute little Gerber cheeks he has!"

But, while a legacy brand has much to offer in the way of history, it can also conjure up images of being "old-fashioned" or "my mother's brand." That's okay, if your mom is still the primary target for the brand; but, in the case of Gerber, newborns and toddlers grow up (rather quickly, some say), ushering in a whole new generation of Gerber babies every few years.  So, in order to remain relevant to today's families, Gerber has to make sure that their message is still meaningful.

I'm sure some version of this very discussion occurred at Gerber as they set out to create a new television campaign designed to contemporize their brand.

Their most recent campaign treats you to a flip book style of all different, shapes, sizes and colors of Gerber babies. Do you remember what flip books are? According to Wikipedia:

"A flip book or flick book is a book with a series of pictures 
that vary gradually from one page to the next, 
so that when the pages are turned rapidly,
the pictures appear to animate 
by simulating motion or some other change."

What I found particularly endearing about this visual flip book is that the copy and pictures are in synch with each other.

Say hello to the Gerber Generation:  babies wave
They have some big news to share:  arms are spread wide
The nutrition children get in the first five years:  faces soiled with food
Can affect their health forever:  clapping hands
Think about that:  point their finger to their head
Together, we can create a healthier generation:  flex muscles
And it all starts with you:  point to you

Great campaign. Every time I see the ad, I notice something new ... and even if I didn't, I am enraptured with all the smiling faces of the adorable babies and toddlers. Gerber has extended this campaign to Facebook, the Gerber YouTube channel, and their website

Now, maybe when you think of the Gerber brand, you will think of happy, healthy children who are redefining the next generation of Gerber kids.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Giant Lego Man Washes Up On Florida Beach

Giant Lego Man Washes Up On Florida Beach
Florida beach visitors lift giant Lego Man
Ahhh ... a relaxing day on the beach. Can you feel the warm sun beneath your toes as you stroll the shoreline?

But, wait ... what is that bobbing in the water? Could it be .... could it be a GIANT LEGO MAN?

Believe it or not, that is exactly what recently happened at Siesta Key Beach in Florida. An eight-foot-tall, 100-pound fiberglass man washed up on shore.

Now, I must admit that I immediately gave a high five to the other PR professionals at Branigan Communications. I mean, we may not have been the team that came up with this great idea for the Lego brand, but we must recognize brilliant work when we see it, right?

Wrong. Well kind of wrong.

It was a brilliant PR stunt, but the culprit was not Lego. Rather, this stunt was brought to beach-goers, complements of a Dutch artist named Ego Leonard.

When contacted by email, Leonard replied to the Sarasota Herald-Tribune:

“I am glad I crossed over. Although it was a hell of a [swim].
Nice weather here and friendly people.
I think I am gonna stay here for a while.” 

Leonard has extended his campaign to both Twitter and Facebook. Additionally, his website shows a partially obscured Lego man, whose face is covered by a big green apple.
Interestingly, this is not the first time this has happened. Other Lego figures have washed up on beaches in both Holland and England, in 2007 and 2008.

Fascinating viral campaign.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Citgo Helps You Feel Good When You Fill Up

A few days ago, I was filling my gas tank when I happened to look up at the pump. The ad displayed there intrigued me on several different levels. I'm happy to say that I found it far more inspiring than the "Simplify Your Life" campaign which they aired in 2010.

I loved the mosaic gas can filled with images that begged to be examined. Its call to action was simple ... visit When I did, I learned that Citgo has donated thousands of gallons of gas to charitable organizations. What a great gift-in-kind donation for nonprofit organizations who are trying to trim their operating costs.

Research study after research study demonstrates that consumers are increasingly turning towards companies that deliver quality products and are good corporate citizens. But, here's the $6 million question ... will this ad encourage consumers to buy their gas at Citgo?

In my own personal case, my unequivocal answer is yes. I like the idea of feeling good when fueling up.

Shedd Aquarium Brands Jelly Fish Exhibit

Shedd Aquarium Jelly Fish Exhibit
Recently, I visited the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago. It was a day filled with vividly colored, unusually shaped fish swimming through larger-than-life aquariums. The jelly fish exhibit was alluring and mystical, mesmerizing visitors with their delicate tendrils gently floating through the water.  It was a day filled with inspiration and visual stimulation.
But, interestingly, it was also a day filled with brands and marketing.

The first brand that entered the scene was Target, advertising their Field Trip Grants program. This ad was not particularly surprising, since Target's support of schools and museum field trips is fairly well known.
Target Field Trip Grants Program at Shedd Aquarium
But, then the corporate sponsors started piling up, as we moved from room to room. Abbott, Bank of America, Coca-Cola, CommEd, Toyota, Walgreens ... a list of blue chip brands that hung from numerous banners scattered around the aquarium with pride.

Abbot / Bank of America
Toyota / Walgreens
Coca-Cola / CommEd

What a great way for a nonprofit institution to help fund special exhibits which might not fall within their normal operating budget. With nearly 2 million visitors to the Shedd each year, these brands will get more than their fair share of eyeballs during the duration of the Jellies exhibit.  And, in return, we all get to witness the magnificent beauty of these delicate creatures that live under the sea.

Shedd Aquarium Jellies Exhibit
Rather ugly yellow fish at Shedd Aquarium
Shedd Aquarium Sea Horse

Saturday, October 22, 2011

President Obama Signs Three New Free Trade Agreements

Although President Obama campaigned heavily against free-trade agreements like NAFTA, he just signed three more into law. The agreements cover US trade relations with Columbia, Panama and South Korea.

During the 2008 Democratic Primaries, free trade became a major campaign issue. Hillary Clinton and Obama exchanged very tough words over the subject as the primaries reached the Midwest. Although Obama faulted Clinton for participating in the process to enact NAFTA, leaked communications between his economic team and members of the Canadian government revealed that Obama privately assured Canada that his tough talk on trade was merely campaign rhetoric.

Although Obama initially denied any allegations of double-talk, he later conceded that language in political debates can become "overheated." Several articles on Dissenting Justice cover this issue (see below).

For more coverage, see:

What Happened to the Thunderous Liberal Opposition to Free Trade?

Don't Blame the Current Economic Conditions: Obama's Softer Position on NAFTA Emerged Almost a Year Ago

Chill Out, Canada: Despite Tough Campaign Rhetoric Obama Will Not Touch NAFTA

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Road Trip Turns Into Spanish Lesson

Have you ever listened to an audio book while driving? It's a great way to pass the time while on a long road trip. 

But, learning Spanish while driving? 

While some may think it's great to intellectually expand their mind every waking moment of the day, others (myself included) prefer escaping to the world of fictional characters and storylines.

The latest VW Passat commercial puts this idea to the test.

Two young guys take to the road for a long trip ... only to discover that one has decided it is an opportune time to learn Spanish. Sigh.

What happens next is utterly surprising and amusing.

On their first stop for gas, the two men emerge from the car ... speaking fluent Spanish to each other.

The message? You can drive your VW Passat a really, really long time (13 hours to be exact), without having to fill the gas tank.

This ad delivers its message of exceptional fuel efficiency in a totally unexpected way. It's a great ad for those of us who prefer stories over facts.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Kohl's CSR Program: More Than Window Dressing

I was driving by a neighborhood Kohl's the other day, when I literally took a double-take.

Was the Kohl's lettering on that store actually PINK?

A second look reassured me that my eyes were not deceiving me.

We have all been trained really well by the Susan G. Komen Foundation to recognize that particular shade of Pepto Bismol pink. Ever since 1991, when Susan G. Komen handed out pink ribbons for the very first time to its breast cancer survivor race participants, we have seen the color pink show up on everything from t-shirts to cosmetics to food products to treadmills to NFL football shoes ... and now to store fronts.

What is simply amazing to me is what UPS would call the "logistics" behind this effort. I cannot begin to imagine how difficult this would be to coordinate across the country. Plus, all this effort is undertaken to last the duration of only one month ... 31 days in all.

But, Kohl's takes their commitment to breast cancer substantially further than just window dressing.

They sell a number of breast cancer items - like t-shirts, water bottles, flip flops and watches - and 100% of the net profits from these items are donated to support the fight against breast cancer. As part of their continuing commitment, Kohl's plans to donate more than $7 million over the next three years to the American Cancer Society's Midwest division and the Southeastern WI affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure.

Additionally, at the store I visited, Kohl's partnered with local hospital Columbia St. Mary's to provide digital mammograms ... right there in their parking lot.
I would be lying if I told you that I am not suffering a bit from "pink ribbon fatigue." I actually often use pink ribbon marketing as an example of an oversaturated brand with my advertising class. However, Kohl's has found an innovative new way to break through the pink ribbon clutter to grab my attention ... both with their signage, as well as the digital mammography traveling van.

Kohl's deserves a ribbon (albeit a blue ribbon) for showing other companies the path to successful and impassioned corporate social responsibility.

Give Blood On Your Next Walk Through Boston

Recently, I visited Boston for a little R&R. I immediately hit the streets to take in the sights and sounds of this wonderful historic city.

Just one block from the hotel, I ran across a portable blood center sponsored by Massachusetts General Hospital. This bus beckons pedestrians to come on board and to donate a pint.

Very cool way to grow awareness and to make donating blood as easy as humanly possible.
KUDOS to Massachusetts General Hospital for finding a way to take the blood center to the people.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Washington Post Asks: "Is Occupy Wall Street Overblown?" UPDATE

Media coverage of the Occupy Wall Street movement has increased sluggishly. Undoubtedly, the lack of media attention has deprived the public of meaningful information about the movement and the means to scrutinize its activities.

For these reasons, I was surprised to read Washington Post columnist Chris Cillizza's article which asks: "Is Occupy Wall Street Overblown?"  Cillizza implies that the movement is probably overly hyped. He reaches this unstated conclusion after analyzing a recent Pew study which shows that only a small percentage of the public is following the protests "very closely":
Just 17 percent [of respondents] said they were following the protests “very closely”. Independents — at 19 percent — were keeping the closest eye on the “Occupy” efforts while just 12 percent of Republicans did the same.

Only 17 percent of self-identified Democrats said they had were [sic] watching the protests closely, a somewhat surprising number given the party’s recent embrace of the motives and goals of the “OWS” crowd.
"Very closely" is probably too high a standard to measure the importance of any movement's relevance to society at any given moment. This is especially true with respect to embryonic movements like Occupy Wall Street.

My examination of the Pew study adds additional context.  The five stories that respondents said they were following most closely include (in descending order): the economy, the death of Steve Jobs, the 2012 election, Amanda Knox, Afghanistan, and Occupy Wall Street. Yet, the study finds that only 7 percent of recent news coverage related to the Wall Street protests. Not surprisingly, only 7 percent of respondents listed the protests as the most important news story. The scant media coverage makes it difficult for the average member of the public to follow the protests closely.

The study also finds that the public is less concerned with the Wall Street protests than it was with the Tea Party in 2009, during the early stage of its development. Pew finds, however, that media coverage of both movements was roughly equal during their developmental stages.  Cillizza seizes upon this data to bolster his argument about the irrelevance of the protests.  But neither Pew nor Cillizza recognizes that the Tea Party protests were often violent and rancorous -- factors that invited public attention and which undoubtedly led to a subsequent surge in media coverage.

Final Word: A Tip for Organizers

Although I believe that Cillizza's column does not provide nearly enough context to help readers appreciate the Pew study, I also believe that participants in the early Occupy Wall Street movement must quickly cohere around a marketable and distinct message. At the moment, the group has apparently resisted developing a political platform or policy agenda. The lack of specific demands or proposals will likely deter media coverage and hinder growth in public attention.

Historically, successful social movements have utilized creative frames to express and market their messages. They have also developed public policy agendas that they wish to implement through the political process. Furthermore, successful social movements have raised the awareness of not only potential movement participants but of the public at large. Unless the budding Occupy Wall Street movement begins to utilize some traditional social movement mobilization techniques, it will probably dissipate without effectuating any meaningful social change.

[Note: I write and teach in the area of Law and Social Movements.]

Two new surveys suggest that Cillizza's article was shortsighted. First, a Time magazine survey finds that a 54 percent of Americans have a favorable view of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Also, an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll finds that 37 percent of respondents "tend to support" the movement; only 17 percent "tend to oppose" it.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Another Civil Rights Champion Dies: Paula Ettelbrick, 56

Another civil rights champion has died. Paula Ettelbrick, a lawyer and activist, succumbed to cancer this morning.

Although Paula's work focused primarily on LGBT issues, she viewed justice in very broad terms. As a result, she championed reforms related to gender, poverty, sexuality, race and many other concerns.

I had the pleasure to know Paula professionally and personally. Her work as an attorney and scholar inspired and taught me. The world has lost a great woman.

Paula's death occurred in the same week that legendary civil rights veterans Derrick Bell and Fred Shuttlesworth died. I hope that people who value justice will study the work of these individuals and become inspired by their tireless efforts. Social change is not an easy project. It requires courage, commitment and honesty. These three champions of equality prove that point.

Urvashi Vaid has a great tribute, which you can find here: Paula Ettelbrick and Feminist Leadership.

NFL Mobile Flexes Its Clay Matthews Muscle

During NFL Sunday, an NFL Mobile Verizon ad came on that had me chuckling.

It showcases everyday people doing everyday tasks, like cutting their grass, walking, and shaving ... who all of a sudden drop what they are doing and flex their biceps.

For a split second, you wonder what is up and then comes the rug pull ... they are all watching the Green Bay Packers on NFL Mobile. When Clay Matthews makes a great QB sack and flexes his biceps in a now common move, his followers do likewise.

Great fun and great coverage of the Pack, too!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Evolving Billboard Offers Smokers Hope

The Texas Department of State Health Services took an interesting twist on an old issue with a series of billboard ads that changed every two weeks.

Their "Quit Smoking. Get Healthier." campaign showed a series of lungs which were painted a lighter color every two weeks, demonstrating that it's never too late to make a healthy difference when you quit smoking.

The ever-changing image begs viewers to watch the story evolve before their eyes. But, perhaps even more importantly, this billboard offers a sense of hope. It promises that if you stop smoking, you will make a positive difference on your lungs ... and ultimately, on your life. 
Graphic? Yes.
Breakthrough? You bet.
Compelling? I sure hope so.