Tuesday, April 28, 2009

NYC Flyover Drama: An Update and a Question

The Update: Apparently, the White House Office of Military Affairs wanted a picture of Air Force One with the Statute of Liberty so badly that it ignored an FAA memorandum with said that sending fighter jets near ground zero would alarm residents of the Big Apple. [Note: I wonder if it cost millions of dollars to reach that conclusion.]

The feds also warned local government officials about the impending maneuver but ordered them not to go public with the information. Violators would have received sanctions.

The Question: Couldn't the White House have simply used digital technology to create the photo rather than alarming Manhattan and upsetting President Obama?

Another update: I was only joking when I wondered how many millions of dollars it cost to assess the public's reaction to the flight. Apparently, the frightful photo operation itself cost over $300,000!

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