Thursday, May 28, 2009

New Conspiracy Theory: Chrysler Dealerships Selectively Closed Based on Owner's Political Party Affiliation

Oy vey! Here's the latest conspiracy theory:
Evidence appears to be mounting that the Obama administration has systematically targeted for closing Chrysler dealers who contributed to Republicans. What started earlier this week as mainly a rumbling on the Right side of the Blogosphere has gathered some steam today with revelations that among the dealers being shut down are a GOP congressman and closing of competitors to a dealership chain partly owned by former Clinton White House chief of staff Mack McLarty.
Remain Calm
Did anyone tell these people that nearly 80% of car dealers give money to the Republican Party and are therefore likely owned by Republicans? The statistics mean that we should see substantially more Republican-owned dealerships among closed sites. Get the information on OpenSecrets.Org (which allows the reader to search for campaign donations by industry).

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