Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Dissenting Justice on the DOMA Brief, Part II: The Legal Arguments

Yesterday, President Obama hosted members of GLBT rights organizations at the White House. Formally, the meeting commemorated "LGBT Pride Month." Underneath the surface, however, the meeting served a different purpose. Obama convened the gathering in order to alleviate growing anxiety among GLBT organizations concerning his commitment to gay rights.

Although Obama promised to seek the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and Don't Ask, Don't Tell, the military continues to discharge personnel based solely on sexual orientation, and the Department of Justice recently filed a brief that defends the constitutionality of DOMA. The government's defense of DOMA led to stinging criticism of President Obama by many prominent GLBT rights advocates.

[Note: A previous blog entry on Dissenting Justice analyzes the political rifts the brief caused. This essay and a subsequent one examine the legal content of the brief.]

DOMA 101
DOMA contains two major provisions. One section of the statute declares that states do not have to recognize same-sex marriages that other states consider legitimate. This part of the law purports to authorize states not to extend "full faith and credit" to same-sex marriages.

The other important section of DOMA adopts a heterosexual definition of "marriage" for federal programs. This part of the law denies same-sex couples any benefit (or obligation) that federal law extends to married couples, such as health care, joint-tax filing, etc.

The Brief
The government's brief argues that DOMA is constitutional in all respects. Surprisingly, the full faith and credit arguments have received the heaviest criticism -- even though this particular part of the statute is not really the most damaging to same-sex married couples. In the absence of DOMA, states that disapprove of same-sex marriage would probably still decline to recognize these marriages, which would lead to the same type of litigation that DOMA has already caused. Furthermore, it is likely that the Supreme Court -- not Congress -- will probably have the final say on what the Full Faith and Credit Clause requires of states in this setting.

The denial of federal benefits, however, is solely within the control of the federal government. According to the President's own previous statements, DOMA denies over 1,100 benefits to same-sex married couples. Even if individual states recognize same-sex marriages, DOMA still makes those marriages meaningless for purposes of federal law.

Standard Full Faith and Credit Analysis or Equating Same-Sex Marriage and Incest?
The Constitution requires states to give "Full Faith and Credit. . .to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. . . ." Based largely on the Full Faith and Credit Clause, states traditionally have recognized marriages performed in other states.

The government's principal argument in defense of DOMA's full faith and credit provision contends that courts have allowed states to deny recognition of marriages from other states that violate their own "public policy." The relevance of the public policy exception to same-sex marriage has received an enormous amount of attention from legal scholars. Furthermore, the government's discussion of the exception represents a fairly routine way of analyzing the legal issues presented by the Full Faith and Credit Clause.

Despite its unexceptional nature, this section of the brief has inflamed many GLBT advocates because the Department of Justice cites to a series of cases that apply the public policy exception and allow states to deny recognition of certain marriages. These cases include an incestuous marriage between an uncle and his niece, a marriage involving a 16-year-old, and a marriage between first cousins.

John Aravosis at Americablog wrote a very critical analysis of this part of the brief which makes the following observations: "Holy cow. Obama invoked incest and people marrying children. . . .Then in the next paragraph, they argue that the incest and child rape cases therefore make DOMA constitutional. . . ."

These arguments, however, severely misrepresent the content of the brief. Certainly, the precedent deal with incest and age requirements for marriage, but these cases merely support the proposition that states can object to marriages that contravene their own public policy. They do not, however, turn on the general morality or desirability of the particular marriages, which were in fact legal in the "home" states. Instead, the cases conclude that where a public policy conflict exists, states can deny recognition without violating the Constitution. Finally, the brief never equates same-sex marriage with incest or "child rape" -- neither explicitly or implicitly.

These cases do not necessarily justify the nonrecognition of same-sex marriage by states, but they also do not substantiate the deepest public criticism of the brief by GLBT advocates -- that the Department of Justice brief compares same-sex marriage to incest and child rape. This argument is simply wrong.

Other scholars who advocate GLBT rights have taken a similar view. Nan Hunter, a law professor at Georgetown University Law Center and a longterm proponent of GLBT rights, describes the arguments by Aravosis and many other critics as "irresponsible attacks." Also, Chris Geidner, author of Law Dork, wrote an extensive essay that responds to the distortions Aravosis made and continues to make.

I enjoy reading Americablog, and have previously cited to it. I abhor and have criticized the homophobic linkage of same-sex marriage with incest and pedophilia. I was also one of the first bloggers to question Obama's commitment to GLBT rights, which I continue to do. Nevertheless, the DOMA brief, though awful in many respects, does not equate same-sex marriage with incest or child molestation.

Concluding Thoughts
Although many pro-GLBT advocates have unfairly criticized the Obama administration's defense of DOMA's full faith and credit provision, they are generally correct in condemning the government's argument that DOMA does not deny equal protection to same-sex married couples. In fact, if courts accept the equal protection analysis in the DOMA brief, this would represent a major setback for GLBT rights and would have negative implications beyond DOMA.

Accordingly, the Obama administration's equal protection position absolutely conflicts with his campaign promises -- although during yesterday's meeting, he downplayed any inherent conflict between his defense of DOMA and his "commitment to reversing this law." Obama's words, however, do not stand up to honest scrutiny. Alas, in the interest of space and time, I must defer my analysis of the equal protection arguments to another day. Stay tuned.

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