Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Levi Johnston for Mayor of Wasilla? Apparently. . .

According to Variety, Levi Johnston -- ex-fiance of Bristol Palin -- will run for mayor of Wasilla, Alaska. Johnston will reportedly use an appearance in a reality show to launch his mayoral campaign:
Levi Johnston is setting his sights on the dysfunctional family business.

Johnston will run for mayor of Wasilla, Alaska -- yes, the same job that propelled Sarah Palin to governor of that state (and later, the vice presidential nomination) -- in a new reality project being pitched by Stone and Co.

"Loving Levi: The Road to the Mayor's Office" will center on Johnston's newfound fame as the baby daddy to Palin's grandson, Tripp.

Johnston will trade on that notoriety to make his run for Wasilla City Hall -- when he's not pursuing a career in Hollywood, of course.
So does Johnston have a chance of winning the position? Well, stranger things have happened -- like John McCain picking Sarah Palin as a running mate. So, stay tuned!

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