Thursday, September 2, 2010

What Do You Want to be When You Grow Up?

What do you want to be when you grow up? That's the question asked of all little children.

I want to be a fireman!
I want to be a hula dancer!
I want to be an artist!
I want to be a princess!
I want to be a train driver!
I want to be Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz!

In this YouTube video, the dreams go on and on.

But, somewhere along the line we stop dreaming. We figure out where our life is headed, hunker down, and follow the path that has presented itself to us ... usually, the path of least resistance.

Some of us may have had doubts along life's path. An even smaller number of us may have had the courage to switch careers mid-stream, with the hope of finding our true passion in life.

Who ever said that we had to stop dreaming anyway? Why can't we change our direction from time to time? It sure would make life a whole lot more interesting.

With amazing insight into the new aging consumer, AARP nails what so many aging Baby Boomers feel - it's never too late to learn. Their two new commercials (#1 and #2) are absolutely charming, with vignettes of older individuals talking about .... When I grow up ...

I want to be a volunteer firefighter
I want to run a marathon
I want to write a novel
I'm going to start a band
I want to fix up old houses
I want to fall in love again

Thank you to AARP for shattering the paradigms of aging. How incredibly refreshing!


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