Saturday, October 30, 2010

An Insane Day of Sanity

Jon Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity has come to a conclusion. As a resident of Washington, DC, I went to the rally, hoping to get a front row seat, but the size of the crowd was absolutely insane.

CBS News estimated that 215,000 people attended the rally. Other sources put the figure at 250,000. Either way, that's a lot of sanity.

I spent the day taking shots of signs and talking to rally-goers. Here is part of my photo collection. Click the photos to enlarge.

Definitely -- the Best Sign of the day comes from this poor newbie voter in South Carolina.

The best combination of costuming (a lot of people celebrated Halloween) and signage comes from this colonial soldier who wants to repeal the Third Amendment (the one about quartering of soldiers).

I also liked this take on "The Rent Is Too Damn High."

The Capitol building looked lovely on the crisp fall day.

A lot of folks carried signs advocating the legalization of marijuana. Some people used humor to convey the message.

I did not take this picture, but it shows the size of the crowd (I yanked this from a friend's Facebook page).

I could not get shots of some other great signs. One person carried a sign which said that "An old grizzly endorsing a constitutionally challenged witch cannot be good for politics" (very close paraphrase, alluding to Sarah Palin and Christine O'Donnell).

Finally, feel free to use these photos, but please say that you got them from Dissenting Justice. Happy Sanity!

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