Sunday, December 5, 2010

PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Sarah Palin Is Generally Ignorant and Wrong

It seems as if every week some mainstream media outlet publishes an article with the redundant title "Sarah Palin Is Wrong..." The latest version of this tired story, an op-ed written by Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, appears in today's Washington Post: "Sarah Palin Is Wrong About John F. Kennedy, Religion and Politics." Last week, Richard Cohen of the Washington Post stated the obvious in his article: "Attack on Michelle Obama Shows Palin's Ignorance of History."

Earth to Cohen and other commentators who are eerily attracted to the loser VP candidate, half-term Alaska governor, and former mayor of Wasilla: Palin is generally ignorant and wrong. Palin's rookie status partially explains her atrocious performance on the campaign trail in 2008. Nonetheless, it has become abundantly clear that her gross lack of intelligence was the leading cause of her ineptness. Even many Republicans acknowledge this. So, perhaps the media and liberals should discard their bizarre fascination with Palin.

Charles Blow, a columnist for the New York Times, shares my Palin exhaustion. He tells the political left and "liberal" media to "get over" Palin. He also suggests that they probably continue to write about her in part to drive traffic to their websites (today's Washington Post op-ed already has over 1200 reader comments):
Yes, she’s about as sharp as a wet balloon, but we already know that. How much more time and energy must be devoted to dissecting that? How is this constructive, or even instructive at this point? What purpose does it serve other than inflaming passions to drive viewership and Web clicks?
Blow has the right idea. The public already knows that Palin is an idiot. At this point, those who do not know agree will never think otherwise. Let it go.

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