Thursday, January 6, 2011

Trader Joe’s: 360° Kitschy

While I am not a Trader Joe's loyalist, my daughter is. So, nearly every time I visit her at college, a trip to TJ's figures into the deal. Over time, I have become a fan of their kitschy atmosphere,  aim-to-please clerks, and healthy-oriented store branded products.

Undoubtedly, I am often cajoled into buying some three-buck-Chuck. On our last trip, I caved and purchased a few bottles for a holiday dinner party Kate was hosting. 

As we checked out, the wine was slipped into its own individual bag. I must admit that I may have embarrassed my daughter a bit at this point in our mother-daughter shopping experience. I just love this wine bag and made sure the clerk knew ... to the point where he actually handed me my very own bag. (I am such a Marketing nerd.)

To my way of thinking, Trader Joe's gets high marks for extending the shopping experience beyond the four walls of their store. The shopper is rewarded with a giftable bag and TJ's is rewarded with heightened brand awareness.

A win-win, no-lose situation. Music to a marketer's ears.

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