Monday, May 9, 2011

Intuitive, Inspiring, Powerful. New Ipad 2

The new iPad 2 ....
 To a parent, it's intuitive...
To an artist, it's inspiring...
To a doctor, it's groundbreaking...
To a CEO, it's powerful...
 To a teacher, it's the future...
To a child, it's magic...
And if you ask Apple... 

We'd say it's just getting started.

Such is the copy behind the newest iPad 2 TV commercial.

In a recent analyst briefing, Apple Chief Financial Officer Peter Openheimer claimed they have sold every iPad 2 they have made.

iPad has rapidly moved from being a high-tech, innovative device idolized by those always in search of the "latest and greatest" to a device that is becoming ingrained in the lives of children.

Talk about an impressively rapid life cycle.

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