Saturday, June 25, 2011

McDonald's Does The Hand Jive

Have you ever heard of Suzanne Cleary and Peter Harding? They are famous Irish dancers who have appeared on stage with Riverdance, as well as other Irish dance productions around the world. 

But, their talents extend beyond doing fancy moves with their feet ... to doing fancy moves with their hands and arms, too.  

Last year, Cleary and Harding created a video that showed the world just how "handy" they were. Their debut YouTube sensation, "We No Speak No Americano," has racked up 7.5 million hits since its debut on July 25, 2010, entertaining people around the world.

Later that year, Cleary & Harding  put their hand-dancing skills to work for McDonald's in this video, by performing a four-handed flash mob while drinking Caramel Mocha at a McDonald's McCafe. 
I must admit that I would sit up and take note if Suzanne and Peter showed up at my local McDonald's.

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