Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Pick Me! Caroline Kennedy Officially on the Job Market

After initial reports gave conflicting information, it is now official: Caroline Kennedy wants to fill Hillary Clinton's U.S. Senate seat. I have applied for a few jobs in my lifetime, but I cannot imagine "applying" for a Senate position: "Dear Governor Paterson, I am certain that you have received many applications for this important position, but my resume warrants careful consideration."

How does the Dissenting Justice crowd feel about this development? I think she will likely get it. Why would she go public unless she expected the job? Besides, Obama personally called Paterson and supported her candidacy -- pre-Blagojevich. If you are deeply cynical, you might even believe that she has made her desire public in order to appear "transparent" and avoid having her inevitable selection look like a backroom deal. But what do I know about deep cynicism?

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