Friday, July 17, 2009

Another Legend Dies: Walter Cronkite

Walter Cronkite, the legendary CBS News anchor, has died. Cronkite was such a figure during my childhood and even much earlier. It is so hard to explain how the news medium has changed today (in a negative direction). Comparing today's plethora of talking heads with Cronkite is a painful process.

And that's the way it was. . . .

Update: Glenn Greenwald has a lot more on how Cronkite's death signals the end of a generation in the news media. I strongly encourage you to read Greenwald's article.

Also, during an interview in 1996, Cronkite himself laments that the current generation of reporters do not abide by the "standards" that his generation tried to implement. The standards, he said, did not "stick." Here's a link to the video footage: Newseum News Cronkite Page.

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