Tuesday, July 14, 2009

No Longer In or Seeking Public Office, Bill Clinton Endorses Same-Sex Marriage

Former President Bill Clinton has "basically" embraced same-sex marriage. Although Clinton once opposed same-sex marriage, during a recent speech in Washington, DC, he said that he is now "basically in support" of it. Nevertheless, while Clinton applauded states that have extended marriage rights to same-sex couples, he asserted that same-sex marriage does not present a "federal question."

My Thoughts
First, I find it odd that Clinton says that same-sex marriage does not involve any federal issues when he signed the infamous Defense of Marriage Act into law! DOMA permits states to deny recognition of same-sex marriages performed in and recognized by other states, and it creates a heterosexual definition of marriage for federal regulatory purposes. I would love to hear Clinton wiggle out of his contradictory stances. For the record, the denial of same-sex marriage raises serious equal protection and due process concerns -- which are indisputably "federal" issues.

Second, Clinton is the biggest political star who has endorsed same-sex marriage. Recently, several Democrats and (less prominent) Republicans have voiced support for same-sex marriage. The growing list includes: Howard Dean, Charles Schumer, John Corzine, Christopher Dodd, Dick Cheney, Meghan McCain (daughter of John), Steve Schmidt (John McCain's top strategist), and Jerry Sanders (San Diego Mayor).

Finally, although Clinton, Cheney, and Dean have endorsed same-sex marriage, neither 9f the three will likely seek elected office again. Also, while Schumer, Corzine and Dodd still hold office, they represent states that have already legalized same-sex marriage (Connecticut) or that will likely do so in the near future (New York and New Jersey).

Question: Will President Obama change course and support same-sex marriage once he is comfortably beyond the control of voters?

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