Thursday, October 29, 2009

Demented Senators? Voting to Kill, But Not to Heal

Hearing Mary Landrieu, Joe Lieberman and other moderates express discontent with a public plan option is too much to bear. These centrists say they oppose a public plan for various reasons, including expense. If they had exhibited such caution before they voted to authorize military force in Iraq, the country could possibly have avoided the unnecessary expenditure of hundreds of billions of dollars and the loss of thousands of lives fighting a senseless war.

Several moderate Senate Democrats (Lieberman is now an "Independent") voted to authorize military force in Iraq, but they now oppose the public plan. These Senators include Evan Bayh, Landrieu, Lieberman, and Ben Nelson. In 2002, every Senate Republican voted to authorize military force in Iraq. Today, every Senate Republican opposes the public plan.

These Senators voted to spend hundreds of billions of dollars to kill Iraqis and to lead young Americans to their deaths, but they refuse to finance life-saving medical care for Americans. Apparently, this is how "pragmatism" looks.

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