Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Great News: Sotomayor Not a "Shrinking Violet"

Several newspapers -- including the Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times -- are reporting that Justice Sonia Sotomayor peppered lawyers with questions during her first day of oral arguments. Apparently, Sotomayor asked more questions than any other Justice -- including Justice Scalia, who is known for his vigorous interrogation style.

Also, the retired Justice Sandra Day O'Connor recently said (thanks to SCOTUS for the tip) that having two women on the bench is great, but this is not enough. She also said that the Court should not consist of "nine clones." During confirmation hearings, conservatives attacked Sotomayor for not describing gender as a neutral category in some of her past comments. Many conservatives tried to contrast Sotomayor and O'Connor -- arguing that O'Connor treated gender as neutral to judging. Not only do O'Connor's rulings contradict this view, but her recent statements do so as well.

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