Sunday, June 20, 2010

Police in Gainesville, Florida Release Dog on 10-Year-Old Boy; Yeah - He's Black

Last week, police in Gainesville, Florida released a dog on Bryce Bates, a 10-year-old black child. According to an article in the Gainesville Sun, police were responding to a call from a woman who reported a burglary in progress. Around the time that police arrived, young Bryce rode his bicycle to check the mail for his mother.

Bryce said that he witnessed a police car coming towards him at a very fast speed and that he jumped from his bike, fearing that the car would hit him. The officers, part of a K-9 unit, exited the car and released a dog to pursue Bryce, who was running home to his mom in fear. Bryce sustained several bites from the dog.

As officers began to investigate the incident, they discovered that the woman who reported the burglary apparently has a mental condition that causes her to hallucinate. What condition caused officers to believe that a child riding a bike on a summer day was a burglar?

Personal Tidbit
As an 11-year-old in Gainesville, cops pulled me aside as I walked to a playground in my neighborhood. They said that "someone" told them that I was trying to steal a car. I also ran from them -- after they started to leave. To this day, I still have never attempted to steal (nor have I ever stolen) a car.

The delusional neighbor who called the police said that several male and female "foreigners," possibly teens, had burglarized her home. Little Bryce is 10-years-old and weighs 85 pounds.

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