Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Support the Troops (Fire McChrystal)!

Remember the empty phrase "support the troops" that pro-war types hurled as a conversation stopper during the Bush presidency? Very often, Iraq War supporters said that people who criticized Bush, questioned the need for the offensive, or challenged the veracity of the claim that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction were showing a lack of respect for the troops.

If that logic was heartfelt, I wonder whether these same individuals will support the firing or resignation of General Stanley McChrystal who, along with members of his staff, became unplugged during an interview with Rolling Stone. The article reports scathing criticism of the Obama administration by McChrystal and his team.

The news has occupied the media and blog world all day. A CNN blog is reporting rumors that McChrystal has already tendered his resignation. Certainly, I would lack confidence in him if I were President Obama.

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