Monday, April 25, 2011

Fanta Surprises College Students

Do you remember those all too familiar words:

Smile, You're on Candid Camera!!

Back in the 1960s and 70s, Allen Funt entertained millions of fans by placing cameras in hidden spots, catching spectators in compromising and embarrassing situations, shooting film and then making the unsuspecting actors national TV stars for a brief moment in time.

Recently Fanta soda took a page from the Candid Camera annals of time when they hid cameras in elevators on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus. What better place to stage their playful antics then at one of Playboy's Top 10 party schools?

After teasing elevator riders with techno-created voices and colorful laser lights, the ride ended with free Orange Fanta and a cascade of orange balls falling down all around the college students.

What a wonderful way to remind students that Orange Fanta makes a great mixer for that upcoming block party on Miflin Street!

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