Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Burris Plays Musical Chairs With Senate, Gets Seat

Roland Burris is in the Senate. Democrats have accepted his "new" credentials -- which look remarkably like his "old" credentials -- and now welcome him to the Senate. After days of flouting the constitution and making the politically dangerous claim that unproven allegations of misconduct "taint" and invalidate decisions of the accused, Reid and Obama have caved in and will allow Burris to take his seat in the Senate.

Perhaps the only political casualty in this situation is Bill Richardson. Although I have not seen many commentators link Richardson and Burris, the Democrats' hard line against "taint" made it impossible for them to defend Bill Richardson, who faces a grand jury investigation surrounding a possible "pay to play" political deal -- just like Blagojevich. The same day that Richardson announced his withdrawal from consideration for Secretary of Commerce, Reid and Obama dramatically changed course on Burris.

Related Readings on Dissenting Justice:

What a Difference a Day Makes: Obama and Reid On Board With Burris Appointment

Feinstein Smacks Down Reid and Fellow Democrats Regarding Burris

Joe Lieberman and Rick Warren In, Roland Burris Out: No "Place at the Table" for Senior, Loyal Democrat

On Day That Bill Richardson Announces Withdrawal Harry Reid Softens Rhetoric on Burris

Will Bill Richardson's Case Lead to a Softening of the Rhetoric of "Taint"?

Patrick Buchanan Shows Greater Commitment to Liberal Values Than Senate Democrats, Defends Roland Burris

So When Exactly Does "Change" Arrive? Senate Battle Over Burris and Blagojevich Offers "More of the Same"!

Do Nepotism, Wealth and Dynastic Power "Taint" Kennedy's Likely Senate Appointment? Taking Reid's Arguments Where He Wouldn't Want Them to Go

Some Media Outlets Begin "Palinizing" Roland Burris

On Day That Bill Richardson Announces Withdrawal Harry Reid Softens Rhetoric on Burris

Defiant Blagojevich Names Obama's Successor: Decision Raises Political and Constitutional Questions

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