Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Joe Lieberman and Rick Warren In, Roland Burris Out: No "Place at the Table" for Senior, Loyal Democrat

The title really conveys how I feel right now. Women and GLBT people are told that we must learn how to stop being "disagreeable" and accept pedophilia/incest/polygamy = same-sex marriage man. The "liberal" wing gets to stomach Lieberman. But a lifetime Democrat, who has never made a speech endorsing "90%" of Bush and who has never equated the pro-choice movement with Nazi genocide is shut out of the Senate by Democrats willing to discard liberal principles, the Constitution, Illinois law, and common sense. What must happen before progressives really get upset? Is it just me or is this pattern completely outrageous? And is the silence by Democrats even worse? Perhaps, Democrats will allow Burris to take his seat at the table if he agrees to: make a speech for the next GOP presidential candidate; equate abortion with the Holocaust, and compare same-sex marriage with incest polygamy and child rape.

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