Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hey, Democrats: So "Experience" and Willingness to "Fight" Actually Matter in a President

During the Democratic primaries, I often felt that I was on Jupiter. My fellow Democrats rejected qualities in Hillary Clinton that are essential to a successful presidency.

When Clinton claimed she had more experience than Obama, Democrats either denied this reality or said that experience does not matter. They insisted that "ideas matter more" or that "Lincoln did not have experience either." Instead of experience, they preferred a "fresh face."

When Clinton said she was a fighter (explicitly embracing a "Rocky" theme), Democrats turned this into a bad thing, accusing Clinton of negative campaigning. Obama said that Clinton only knew how to fight, but that he would bring together the American people. Democrats wanted a "unifier" rather than a "fighter."

Well, I think it is time for people to evaluate their choices. From where I sit, I believe we could use a healthy dose of fighting and experience in the White House. What do you think?

On issues ranging from healthcare, anti-terrorism tactics, war, and crime, President Obama seems committed to making deals with moderates and conservatives, rather than fighting for the values of the Democratic Party. Or, is the failure to fight an official value of the Democratic Party?

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