Friday, February 19, 2010

Toyota Camry Tests Positive for Steroid Use; CEO to Testify Before Congress

In a random drug test, the Toyota Camry has tested positive for steroid use. Now, Congress is hauling Akio Toyoda, the CEO of the company, to testify in hearings with national security implications. . . .

Not really, but Toyoda will appear before Congress to discuss recent safety recalls by the world's most popular car manufacturer. I tend to think that Congressional hearings questioning private individuals and businesses (e.g., for steroid use and other infractions) are usually a colossal waste of time. Before he testifies, Toyoda will undergo intense preparation from the company's legal and public relations teams. He will likely deliver a prepared statement and respond to questions with previously crafted answers.

On the other side of the room, members of Congress will engage in a fair amount of grandstanding about the safety of the American people (especially the children) in front of rolling cameras. I suppose that with public disapproval of Congress at historically high levels, lawmakers will skewer Toyota in order to convince voters that they are actually working on pressing issues.

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