Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Colin Powell Tells GLBT Activists Not to Press Congress on DADT

Colin Powell warns GLBT activists not to press Congress to repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Even though President Obama and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates oppose the ban, Powell says that he wants the "study" of this issue to continue. He also opposes litigation challenging the ban. Unless Congress repeals the statute before Republicans take over the House, the discriminatory measure will likely remain in place for a long period of time, absent a judicial ruling enjoining its enforcement.

Ironically, Powell himself has embraced changing course on this issue in extremely measured comments. Powell, however, played a great role in crafting DADT. President Clinton promised to lift the ban, but military leaders -- including Powell -- opposed the decision. When Democrats cheered Powell's endorsement of President Obama, I questioned this stance, given his role in President Bush's unnecessary invasion of Iraq and his support for DADT. Powell's current stance would virtually ensure that the ban remain in place.

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