Friday, November 14, 2008

Breaking News: Obama to Fill All Cabinet Positions with Elderly Sunday School Teachers!!!

I could never get a job in the Obama administration -- despite having a pretty solid resume (from my perspective) and a passionate commitment to social justice. I could never pass the invasive background test the president-elect is utilizing to screen potential employees. According to a recent article in the New York Times, Obama is requiring all applicants to complete a 7-page application requesting loads of personal information -- including all emails, blog postings, entries on Facebook and any other web homepages (like Match.Com), whether the information appears in the applicant's real name or as an alias. The application also requests the contents of applicants' personal diaries if they contain potentially embarrassing information. But what's the point of secreting your inner-most thoughts in a diary if they are not salacious and potentially embarrassing? The only people who will pass this test are elderly Sunday School teachers, who do not know how to use the web and who were too busy raising kids, grandchildren and caring for spouses to do or think anything that would embarrass Obama!

This blog alone would doom my chances to work for President Obama. But that is fine. I think I am much better suited for life outside of government. Someone has to provide a check and balance, and a lot of my colleagues have retired from that business since the GOP imploded.

New York Times Article
Obama Administration Job Application

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