Sunday, November 16, 2008

If Clinton Becomes Sec. of State for Obama, My Cynicism Will Max Out!

The buzz in DC still has Senator Clinton becoming Secretary of State in the Obama administration. As much as I respect Clinton, if this happens, my cynicism about politics will completely max out. Obama said that Clinton's war vote showed a "lack of judgment." His constant retort to her argument that he lacked experience was that she lacked judgment. I would never want someone who lacked judgment on foreign affairs to run the State Department!

Of course, Obama already undercut that judgment issue when he picked Joe Biden as a running mate. Biden, like Clinton, voted for the war. And like Clinton, Biden voted for the Bush administration's bankruptcy legislation and NAFTA (Clinton only "supported" it). Today, the Obama transition team announced that two veteran lawyers from the Clinton administration would serve as White House Counsel and as counsel to the Vice President. This does not look much different than the 1990s to me. If Clinton actually serves in the administration, it will certainly end up being "more of the same." I'm not saying "more of the same" is bad. Obama and his loudest cheerleaders made those arguments, not I.

I have not even mentioned that Obama's team said or suggested that Clinton was deceitful, racist, divisive, stuck in the past, had a dumptruck of dirt on her, wanted Obama assassinated, and that all she knew how to do was fight. Only a "politician" could pick someone like this to work with him. Only a politician would work with someone who called her things things. But no one ever doubted Clinton was a politician. She never advanced a narrative of political "innocence" or piety, and she never received the benefit of the doubt on any of these matters. Will Obama's cabinet choices demostrate for the dreamy eyed people that he is just as political and more of the same as any other Democrat or Republican?

PS: Alternative Title for this entry--Why I Am Not on the Transition Team Like All Other Liberal Lawyers in DC, Part 145,452,424,902,879,807,924,387,098,702,878!

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