Friday, November 7, 2008

Yes We Can.....Make the Change We Have Been Waiting For, But...

We can make the change, but it takes work and cultivation. I'm ready. Are you? Details forthcoming (a series).

I am about to embark on a journey to Atlanta to participate in a conference on feminism at Emory Law School (read about it here) and then to Geneva to participate in proceedings of the United Nations Committee Against Torture (read about this on the AU Law webpage). Consequently, my posting in the next weeek will be scatterred. But, I posted so much on election night and the next day, that you probably have a lot of unread material.

Thanks for visiting the site. The "Sitemeter" tag tells you how many people have visited. Although the blog is relatively new, I am approaching 7,000 and counting. And the subscription rates increase daily. Again, thanks for stopping by, thanks for all of the emails and please spread the word!

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