Friday, August 7, 2009

Hillary Clinton Dismisses Bolton's Concerns Regarding Bill's North Korea Trip

In a couple of prior blog posts (see here and here), I analyzed Bill Clinton's successful mission to secure the release of two United States journalists who were imprisoned in North Korea. Although the White House has repeatedly stated that the mission lacked any diplomatic dimensions, it is rather difficult to extricate the trip from United States foreign relations, given Bill Clinton's status as former president and Hillary Clinton's role as Secretary of State.

The exact impact of the trip -- if any -- on strained United States-North Korea relations remains uncertain. Nevertheless, John Bolton, the conservative former United States Ambassador to the United Nations, believes that the visit will damage United States national security because it will invite other bad actors to try and negotiate favors from the United States.

Hillary Clinton disagrees -- basically dismissing with laughter Bolton's concerns during an interview on CNN. Here is the video footage (thanks to Tennessee Guerilla Women - like the title).

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