Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Rightwingnut John Perry Fantasizes About a "Military Coup" to Eliminate President Obama

Rightwingnut John Perry fantasizes has written a column about a possible "military coup" to remove President Obama from office. What terrible thing has Obama done to merit Perry's column? Perry lists a parade of horribles lies, including the patently false notion that Obama has "nationalized" "American institutions."

Some of Perry's grievances should have led to the ouster of President Bush. For example, Perry warns of the "horror of major warfare erupting simultaneously in two, and possibly three, far-flung theaters before America can react in time." Earth to Perry: Iraq + Afghanistan = Wars Bush started.

Perry also complains "that the economy — ravaged by deficits, taxes, unemployment, and impending inflation — is financially reliant on foreign lender governments." Earth to Perry: The economy became a severe problem long before January 2009.

Also, I suspect that most foreign lending comes from private investors. In addition, debt is debt regardless of whether foreign or domestic investors own it. The only thing that makes domestically owned debt more attractive is the relatively greater control the government has over the owner. Exercising that control, however, sounds like something Perry would call "Marxist."

What Happened to Elections?
Perry only contemplates a "nonviolent" or "bloodless" "military" coup (oxymoron?). Dr. King would be proud!

In an August 3, 2009 column, however, Perry advocated old-fashioned, democracy-based regime change. He argued that Republicans should endeavor to find candidates with the "qualifications and vision" to "outshine" Democrats. I wonder whether Perry believes this task remains attainable.

Finally, in the same August 2009 article, Perry lauded Sarah Palin as a possible presidential candidate for the GOP in 2012. This endorsement probably damns his political judgment more than his proposed fictional coup de tat:

Someone will emerge from the current funk and fog as the most-attractive Republican presidential nominee. If Sarah Palin can help boost enough conservatives into office by next fall, she will be well-along the road to the 2012 GOP nomination — regardless of whether or when she’s a declared candidate.

Right now, she appears to outclass other potential Republican candidates. Better than any, so far, she fits the formula for not reelecting Obama.
Palin for President? Precious.

UPDATE: A reader (Eric) notes that Newsmax has removed Perry's essay. Being too extreme for Newsmax is pretty extreme. If anyone finds a cached version of the page, please let me know.

UPDATE II: A rightwing website has reprinted the coup essay. See here.

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