Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New Poll: 73% of Doctors Favor Socialized Medicine, Rationing of Care, Death Panels, Nazism, and Pulling Plug on Grandma

A new poll conducted by researchers at the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in New York shows that 73% of doctors favor socialized medicine, rationing of care, death panels, Nazism, and pulling the plug on grandma. Actually, they favor some type of public plan option as a part of healthcare reform. 10% of doctors want a public-only format, while 63% favor a public-private mix. Only 27% want a private-only system.

Conservatives have described a public plan option as socialized medicine, a governmental takeover of healthcare, Nazism, and several other horribly deceptive labels. The providers of medical care, however, overwhelmingly support a public plan option.

It is time for the country to listen to medical professionals, rather than angry and uninformed people marching around with disgusting and tasteless signs (suggestive of racism and violence) and shouting deceptive propaganda while returning home to worship Jesus. I certainly trust doctors more than this motley crew.

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