Friday, July 30, 2010

Another "Beer Summit"? Breitbart Wants To Meet With Sherrod

A day after Shirley Sherrod announced her intent to sue blogger Andrew Breitbart, Breitbart has offered to meet with her privately. During an interview with Newsweek, Breitbart says that "This thing has gotten to a place that’s far beyond where it should be." Breitbart then said he would like to discuss the matter privately with Sherrod :
[Breitbart] I’d be more than happy to meet with her in private and have a discussion with her.

[Interviewer] Is that an invitation?

[Breitbart] Sure, I’ll go whoever she wants. I’ll go to Albany, Ga. I’ll go anywhere to have a private discussion with her.
Although stranger things have happened, I seriously doubt that this "beer summit" will take place.

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