Monday, July 19, 2010

OUCH II: Another Scathing Review of Sharron Angle by Las Vegas Journalist

John L. Smith, a writer for the Las Vegas Review-Journal, has written a scathing analysis of US Senate candidate Sharron Angle. Angle, a Tea Party-endorsed candidate, has imploded since she won the Republican primary.

Several polls now show the highly unpopular Sen. Harry Reid leading the race. Smith says that Angle can only blame herself -- although she often blames the "liberal media" and Reid's "lies." Here is a clip from the article:
God, the infallible campaign adviser, has a plan for Sharron Angle's U.S. Senate candidacy against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

I have learned this not from the ultimate source, mind you, but from a recent interview Angle gave to David Brody of the Christian Broadcasting Network.

"When God calls you he also equips you and he doesn't just say, 'Well, today you're going to run against Harry Reid,' " Angle said. "There is preparation. Everyone in the Bible, when you read the Bible, you can see that preparatory time. Moses had his preparatory time. Paul had his preparatory time. Even Jesus had his preparatory time. And so my preparation began on a (Nye County) school board."

Moses. Paul. Jesus. Sharron.

That's good company. For a hack politician to compare her journey in any way to the roads traveled by Moses, Paul or Jesus is simply audacious, but in a short few months Angle has gained national notoriety for uttering such jaw-dropping jibberish.
Jon Ralston -- a writer for the Las Vegas Sun -- also published a very critical assessment of Angle today. Even though it is too soon to predict the results of the midterm elections, the tide has certainly turned against Angle (and other Tea Party candidates).

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