Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Marco Rubio Proposes Heavy Tax Cuts. What About Spending?

US Senate candidate Marco Rubio (R-FL) has released a very gimmicky statement detailing "23 Simple Ways To Create Jobs, Grow Our Economy And Help The Gulf Coast Recover." Of the 23 listed items, 13 involve proposed tax cuts or reforms.

Only one proposal -- "repealing Obamacare" -- involves a specific spending cut. Rubio, however, makes a vague proposal for an alternative healthcare reform measure. This would presumably involve government spending as well. Rubio's plan does not look fiscally conservative at all.

Rubio's campaign website expresses a concern about government spending, but it does not propose any cost-cutting measures. The website, however, lists several categories of tax cuts. Rubio also boasts that he never voted for a tax increase. It is unclear how Rubio would balance the budget, given his support of tax cuts without any specific spending reduction.

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