Friday, July 9, 2010

Can You Shower With A Gay Person And Other Questions The Pentagon Is Asking Troops

ABC News (via Jake Tapper) reports that a Pentagon survey for 400,000 non-deployed, active troops regarding Don't Ask, Don't Tell has some very inflammatory questions. For example, the survey asks respondents to say what they would do if they were assigned to a shower with a suspected or known gay or lesbian individual. Another question asks respondents whether they could live on-base if another servicemember lived on-base with his or her same-sex partner. The survey also asks respondents to state how they would respond to the prospect of sharing a room or field tent with a gay or lesbian individual.

These questions are inflammatory and designed in a manner that invites homophobic responses. I am not surprised that the military has designed such a survey. In fact, the whole idea of subjecting an equality issue to a popular vote is extremely problematic. This survey does not represent "change" or "hope" on GLBT issues.

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