Tuesday, July 27, 2010

In the future, just try printing your food!

When you think of high-tech technology, does the thought of creating a delicious sit down dinner - which you quickly print off your printer - enter into your mind ... in any capacity whatsoever?

No, I didn't think so. Me neither.

Straight from physorg.com comes news of a new printer that is in the concept stage of development. Believe it or not, the printer stores and refrigerates ingredients and then mixes them, cooks layers of the mixture, and then finally prints them onto a serving tray.

According to the manufacturers, "users would be able to control the nutritional value, quality and flavors in each meal through a touch-screen interface and Internet connectivity, which would allow them to manipulate parameters such as carbohydrate or fat content and calories. The design also allows for the food printer to be able to automatically order new ingredients and suggest an alternative ingredient if one runs out."

Wow - images of the Jetsons have just entered my mind. This is mind-boggling stuff.

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