Sunday, October 12, 2008

Obama Allows Two "Racists" to Campaign for Him: Why?

During the Democratic primaries, the media, Obama's online supporters, and several of his surrogates accused Hillary and Bill Clinton of racism. Bill Clinton was racist for saying Obama's take on the war was a "fairytale." Hillary Clinton was racist for saying that it took a "president" to sign the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Even Clinton's "tear" in New Hampshire became a racist rallying cry.

Probably the worst moment happened when Senator Clinton responded to a reporter's question about her remaining in the race when it looked like she could not win. Clinton responded by noting the Robert Kennedy's assassination occurred in June and that the primaries were still ongoing at the time. The media turned that innocent comment into a death threat. Keith Olbermann was probably the most outlandish of all, producing an almost 30-minute blood-faced rant on how Clinton wanted someone to kill a black man. Oddly, the Democratic primaries turned so many people into purported advocates of racial equality. Olbermann, who works for lily-white MSNBC was all of a sudden concerned about the well being of "the" black man. Bless his heart. The Obama team circulated the Olbermann video across the web, fomenting the belief that Clinton was trying to instigate an assassination.

Anyway (some delayed venting), it seems that Bill Clinton has jumped on board (joining wife Hillary) and is now campaigning for Obama. Also, Obama apparently has recently mentioned that the economy was doing fine when Clinton was president. During the Democratic primaries, however, Obama withheld any praise of Clinton. Instead, he lumped President Clinton with the "past," which he derided as "more of the same" and "politics as usual." He even associated Clinton with the most hated Republican on earth -- George Bush, Jr. -- when he said that people were "bitter" because of both Bush and Clinton.

Do you think it is odd that a black presidential candidate would allow people whom the media, his supporters and his surrogates portrayed as racists to campaign for him? Does this mean that racism does not bother Obama or that he will tolerate racists if they can help get him elected? Or does this mean that the charges of racism against the Clintons were bogus at most, or overstated at the least? I'm scratching my head on this one (not really). Why aren't Huffington, Daily Kos, and Politico inflamed about two racists campaigning for Obama?

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