Wednesday, March 24, 2010

CBS Poll Shows Post-Healthcare Bounce for President Obama

Yesterday, Gallup released a poll showing a moderate bounce among respondents who support healthcare reform legislation. Today, a CBS poll shows a similar move in public opinion.

According to the CBS poll, public support for healthcare reform increased after the passage of the bill. The public, however, remains split in its opinion of President Obama's handling of healthcare reform:

CBS re-interviewed 649 adults, initially questioned for a poll conducted March 18-21, on Monday and Tuesday following the House vote.

Of those re-interviewed, 47 percent said they approved of the job the President is doing on health care, up six points from the CBS News Poll conducted just prior to the House vote. However, views of his handling of health care were still mixed, with 48 percent saying they disapprove. . . .

Support for the bill itself has also risen five points since the House vote Sunday night. Before the vote, 37 percent of Americans approved of the bill while 48 percent disapproved. Now those same Americans are more closely divided, with 42 percent expressing approval and 46 percent disapproval. Still, a third "strongly" disapproves.
It is probably too early to tell where public sentiment will settle. But, if recent polls are accurate, public opinion is shifting towards the positive column now that the healthcare debates are done.

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