Friday, March 12, 2010

Utah Lawmaker Admits to Nude Hot-Tubbing With Teen

Utah House Majority Leader Kevin Garn (Republican) shocked colleagues with a recent floor speech, during which he admitted to a nude hot-tubbing incident with a 15-year-old female over 25 years in the past. Garn is now 55; he was 28 at the time.

Garn paid the woman, Cheryl Maher, $150,000 not to disclose the incident in 2002 -- the year that he launched an unsuccessful bid for Congress. According to Garn, however, Maher has recently come forward to reveal the story. Garn says that both the incident and paying Maher were mistakes.

Garn says that he did not have sex with Maher. Instead, he claims that they both just "sat there." Garn says that Maher "worked for him in a warehouse."

Utah is a conservative "family values" state. While the Republican-dominated state house applauded Garn for his "honesty," it is unclear what impact this incident will have on his political career.

Source: CBS News

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