Monday, March 15, 2010

Is the Anti-Gay Virginia Attorney General Also A "Birther"?

Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli created a stir recently by demanding that public colleges and universities in Virginia rescind GLBT-inclusive policies. Governor Bob McDonnell quieted the storm by releasing an executive directive prohibiting sexual orientation discrimination by state workers.

Now, Cuccinelli is at the center of another potential controversy. Several blogs, including Huffington Post, have posted audio of Cuccinelli speaking during a campaign event. One attendee asks Cuccinelli about President Obama's birth and how to challenge his claim of birthright citizenship. Cuccinelli maps out a legal strategy for a possible lawsuit.  He also says that it is not "beyond the realm of possiblity" that Obama was born in Kenya, rather than the United States.

I have not found any official confirmation that Cuccinelli's voice is actually on the tape.  Several sources, however, claim that it is his voice.   See update below.

Here is the recording:

PS: I would like to hear the remainder of the discussion.

See also: Virginia blogger outs state attorney general as a birther

Update: UPDATE: Ken Cuccinelli Says: I'm Not A Birther

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